IPA Madness 2018

During the month of March, Wyatt’s is conducting four customer tastings of beers that Wyatt’s has chosen as the top 16 domestic IPAs in our area. Each week, four of these selections will be blind taste tested by you, our customers, to determine which one will go on to the Championship Round and be crowned Best IPA.

Like many competitions, you can play, too! Check out the field of fighting fermentation. If you pick the winners in each round, you will be entered in a drawing to win Beer for a Year!

How It Works:

*You must be 21 years or older, and have a valid, state-accepted ID to enter, taste, or win. No purchase necessary to enter or vote. Only one entry per person. All entries will be checked, and those that do not comply with the rules will be disqualified. Employees of Wyatt’s and their suppliers are not eligible to win.

*Each Friday, beginning March 2, 2018, from 4:00-6:45 pm, we will have four India Pale Ales available to taste at Wyatt’s Outlaw Saloon in the back of the store. These beers will be blind tasted–you will only know them by number. You will be asked to vote for your favorite each week. The most popular in each tasting session will go on to the final round.

*If you miss a tasting, or want to play the home game, we will have prepackaged four-packs of each week’s IPAs available for purchase after their respective week’s tasting. Each pack will include a ballot for that week’s bracket. You may still vote with that ballot for the next six days before the next tasting.

*Contest Entry forms with the full 16 beer brackets are available at Wyatt’s. Pick your estimated winner in each bracket, choosing which ones you think will be the top customer picks, and enter before the Final Tasting begins on Friday, March 30, at 4:00 pm. At the end of that tasting, we will pick the overall most popular IPA at Wyatt’s. We will sort the entries and hold drawings two chances at Beer for a Year. We will notify the winners by their given phone numbers. The completed bracket will be displayed at that time.

Good luck and Happy Tasting!