After successfully joining the vodka market a couple years ago, High Noon is now branching into the rapidly growing hard seltzer arena with the release of High Noon Sun Sips, vodka sodas with three fresh flavors: grapefruit, black cherry, pineapple, and watermelon.
The playful grownup coolers are composed of real vodka, real juice, and sparkling water with no added sugar, and are gluten free. Packaged in convenient cans, to go where glass can’t, and at just 100 calories and a sessionable 4.5% ABV, High Noon Sun Sips are perfect for outdoor activities.
High Noon’s vodka is made with the finest quality Midwest corn and distilled 5 times for smoothness.
Effervescent, citrusy, and playful, High Noon Sun Sips provide a refreshing alternative to heavier beer or cider choices.
Locally, you can try the new High Noon Sun Sip seltzers at larger, independently owned liquor stores, like Wyatt’s Wet Goods, that offer a superior selection from around the globe and an experienced staff that will help you find the perfect bottle every time.
Join us for our Free Friday Tasting featuring High Noon Sun Ships on September 20, 4-6:45 pm.